Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Journal 20

Nick uses the imagery of Gatsby’s parties and talks about how they will never again fill his house. The party is over for Gatsby and no one has stayed around to help clean up. Nick headed into a new world with the shore left behind him. The green light was a visual symbol of hope for Gatsby and is to him what the green land was to the Dutch sailors when they first came across. In the end, the beacon’s green light was as elusive as Gatsby's dream to live with Daisy for the rest of his life. The green light was as bright and enchanting as Long Island was when the Dutch sailors found it so very long ago. The continent captivated the Dutch explorers and was filled with their hearts with hopes and dreams just like the green light captured Gatsby. Gatsby reached as far for the stars as he possibly could, but like the sailors, his dream of living with Daisy escaped him and left him with bullets in his back. We should all strive to be like Gatsby and go as far as we possibly can to reach our goals, but stop when we know they are too out of reach to even fathom achieving. 

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